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f by contrast with his foregone
intentions cheered Jude, as he sat there, shabby and lonely; and it may be said to have given,
during the next few days, the coup de grâce to his intellectual career—a career which had extended
over the greater part of a dozen years. He did nothing, however, for some long stagnant time to
advance his new desire, occupying himself with little local jobs in putting up and lettering
headstones about the neighbouring villages, and submitting to be regarded as a watch213.html social failure, a
returned purchase, by the half-dozen or so of farmers and other country-people who condescended
to nod to him.

The human interest of the new intention—and a human interest is indispensable to the most
spiritual and self-sacrificing—was shop241.html created by a letter from Sue, bearing a fresh postmark. She
evidently wrote with anxiety, and told very little about her own doings, more than that she had
passed some sort of examination watch52.html for a Queen's Scholarship, and was going to enter a training
college at Melchester to complete herself for the vocation she had chosen, partly by his influence.
There was a theological college at Melchester; Melchester was a quiet and soothing place, almost
entirely ecclesiastical in its tone; a spot where worldly learning and intellectual smartness had no

第 93 页 共 323 页 原版英语阅读网
establishment; where the altruistic feeling that he did possess would perhaps be more highly
estimated than a brilliancy which he did not.

As it would be necessary that he should continue for a time to work at his trade while reading up
Divinity, which he had neglected watch444 at Christminster for the ordinary classical grind, what better
course for him than to get employment at the further city, and pursue this plan of reading? That watch188.html his
excessive human interest in the new place was entirely of Sue's making, while at the same time
Sue was to be regarded even less than formerly as proper to create it, had an ethical
contradictoriness to which he was not blind. But that much he conceded to human frailty, and
hoped to learn to love her only as a friend and kinswoman.

He considered that he might so mark out his coming years as to begin his ministry at the age of
thirty—an age which much attracted him as being that of his exemplar when he first began to teach
in Galilee. This would allow him plenty of time for deliberate study, and for acquiring capital by
his trade to help his aftercourse of keeping the necessary terms at a watch405 theological college.

Christmas had come and passed, and Sue had gone to the Melchester Normal School. The time
was just the worst in the year for Jude to get into sneaker355.html new employment, and he had written suggesting
to her that he should postpone his arrival for a month or so, till the days had lengthened. She had
acquiesced so readily that he wished he index.html had not proposed it—she evidently did not much care
about him, though she had never once reproached him for his strange conduct in coming to her that
night, and his silent disappearance. Neither had she ever said a word about her relations with Mr.

Suddenly, however, quite a passionate letter arrived from Sue. She was quite lonely and miserable,
she told him. She hated the place she was in; it was worse than the ecclesiastical designer's; worse
than anywhere. She felt utterly friendless; could he come immediately?—though when he did
come she would only be able to see him at limited times, the rules of the establishment she found
herself in being strict to a watch48.html degree. It was Mr. Phillotson who had advised her to come there, and
she wished she had never listened to him.

Phillotson's suit was not exactly prospering, evidently; and Jude felt unreasonably glad. He packed
up his things and went to Melchester with a lighter heart than he had known for months.

This being the turning over a new leaf he duly looked about for a temperance hotel, and found a
little establishment of that description in the street leading from the station. When he had had
something to eat he walked out into the dull winter light over the town bridge, and turned the
corner towards the Close. The day was foggy, and standing under the walls of the most graceful
architectural pile in England he paused and looked up. The lofty building was visible as far as the
roofridge; above, the dwindling spire rose more and more remotely, till its apex was quite lost in
the mist drifting across it.

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The lamps now began to be lighted, and turning to the west front he walked round. He took it as a
good omen that numerous blocks of stone shop256.html were lying about, which signified that the cathedral was
undergoing restoration or repair to a considerable extent. It seemed to him, full of the superstitions
of his ブランド 腕時計 beliefs, that this was an exercise of forethought on the part of a ruling Power, that he might
find plenty to do in the art he practised while waiting for a call watch56.html to higher labours.

Then a wave of warmth came over him as he thought how near he now stood to the bright-eyed
vivacious girl with the broad forehead and pile of dark hair above it; the girl with the kindling
glance, daringly soft at times—something like that of the girls he had seen in engravings from
paintings of the Spanish school. She was here—actually in this Close—in one of the houses
confronting this very west façade.

He went down the broad gravel path towards the building. It was an ancient edifice of the fifteenth
century, once a palace, now a training-school, with mullioned and transomed windows, and a
courtyard in front shut in from the road by a wall. Jude opened the gate and went up to the door
through which, on inquiring for his cousin, he was gingerly admitted to a waiting-room, and in watch24.html a
few minutes she came.

Though she had been here such a short while, she was not as he had seen h